What You Need:
- Coffee: 22grams, set at medium-fine grind
- Water: 400 grams or milliliters at 200°F / 93.5°C for brewing
- Additional water at 200°F / 93.5°C for preheating
- Filters: #2 size
- Decanter
- Gram Scale (1 gram = 1 milliliter)
Brewing time: Between 2:30 and 3 minutes
Step 1
Place filter in pour-over brew basket and set on top of decanter. Preheat by pouring hot water through. Discard this water.

Step 2
Place the brew basket with filter on a cup, and put everything on the scale. Add the coffee to the filter and then tare the scale.
Step 3
Start the timer and pour 50 grams of water over the coffee. Make sure to saturate all the grounds thoroughly.

Step 4
Allow to bloom for 30 seconds.

Step 5
Continue to slowly pour the remaining 350 grams of hot water over the coffee for the next 2:30 to 3 minutes, keeping the brew basket halfway filled with water during the brew process.

Step 6
When all the water has been poured over the grounds and the filter has begun to drip very slowly, remove and discard the filter.

Step 7
Decant & enjoy!